HIV Test

Order a postal kit

OPTION 1 – Order a postal kit

To  request a free postal test kit for chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV you will need to use an online patient account.

Click here to set up an online account or order a kit.

Postal test kits will only be sent to addresses in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire.
The kit will be sent to you in a blank envelope. It does not say sexual health clinic or testing on it.
This service is best for people with no symptoms- if you are experiencing symptoms, this is how to get an appointment.


Once completed, please return your samples as soon as possible, as delays can affect results. Test results can take up to 21 days so please allow 21 days before asking about your results.

Click here for more information about HIV or call the advice line on 0117 342 6944.

If you think you may have been exposed to HIV through sexual contact in the last 72 hours, please call us on 0117 342 6944.



Vending machine image

OPTION 2 – Visit a Unity vending machines

These are available in locations.

The vending machines provide an FREE, FAST, EASY and PRIVATE way to test for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.








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