Online PrEP appointments

31/01/2025: We are having technical difficulties with the online PrEP appointments.  Please call 0117 342 6900 to book your PrEP appointment (subject to availability).

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning Plus

LGBTQ+  What do I need to think about and where can I access the service I need?

Unity Sexual Health services are an inclusive range of providers that cater to everybody, regardless of sex, age, gender or sexual orientation. We provide a welcoming, understanding and confidential service with the aim of giving the best provision to all of our wide range of users.

For further information on some of the services we may be able to offer you, please see our Homepage or:

STI testing and info

What is PEPSE or post-exposure prophylaxis?

What is PrEP?

What Vaccinations are available and who needs them?

What do i need to know about Contraception?

What do i need to know about Pregnancy?

Below are some links to useful LGBT services in the Bristol and nationally:

ADViSE service

The Advise service offers advice and advocacy to any gender survivor of DVA or SV at any point in your life.

We can help you to talk about what happened to you, help you feel safe, understand your rights and recover from the effects of DVA and SV. If you are interested in support from the Advise service you can speak to member of staff at Unity sexual health clinic, or you can contact us directly by calling 0117 925 0680 and asking to speak to a member of the Advise team.

Locate a confidential service

Find your local Pharmacy or Clinic and book a confidential appointment.

Online Accounts

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