Online PrEP appointments

31/01/2025: We are having technical difficulties with the online PrEP appointments.  Please call 0117 342 6900 to book your PrEP appointment (subject to availability).

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

How do I get an abortion?

If you are pregnant, and considering an abortion, we are here to help and can give you advice and support.

This number is available everyday 7am-8pm.

You can make the call yourself or someone else can make the call on your behalf.

  • The staff will ask you for your name and address and your GP details (if you have one). They will make an appointment for you to have either a telephone or face-to-face appointment to discuss your pregnancy options.
  • If you don’t have a GP you can still make an appointment with us. Our team will encourage you to register with a local GP but will not delay your assessment.

If you are having difficulty reaching a decision we can give you accurate information about how many weeks pregnant you are and your options.

  • If you are under 18 years old you will need to identify a supporting adult (someone who is over 18) to support you during the process. If you don’t have someone to ask, do not delay in making an appointment. Staff will help you plan your abortion.

If you are pregnant and considering abortion, you are not alone.

1 in 3 UK women will have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.

  • What should I do if I'm not sure?

    If you are having difficulty reaching a decision, it is often useful to talk it over with people you can trust and having accurate information can help. You may wish to talk to family and friends – or it might be easier to talk to someone who is not so close to you.

    Often it is best to book an appointment to find out how many weeks pregnant you are, get some accurate information about abortion and pregnancy and talk about your options with health professional.

    To book an appointment, call the Unity Central Booking Line 0345 872 5435This number is available 24 hours a day. You can make the call yourself or someone else can make the call on your behalf. Or complete the online booking form where you can book a telephone consultation.

    Staff at Unity Pregnancy Advisory service can help you reach the right decision for you. We recognise that this may take some time. If you do decide to end the pregnancy you will be given another appointment on a different date for an abortion.

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