Online PrEP appointments

31/01/2025: We are having technical difficulties with the online PrEP appointments.  Please call 0117 342 6900 to book your PrEP appointment (subject to availability).

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

STI – Am I at risk? Check here with a few questions

Answer a few confidential questions to see if you are at risk.

We recommend that we see you in person at one of our services or you could ring to speak to a Health Adviser on 0117 342 6944 for clearer advice on where to attend.

You have indicated that you have symptoms which could be due to a sexually transmitted infection. Please see section on STI symptoms which includes information on where you could be seen and tested for STIs. (There may be other services that can help - we recommend that you continue to answer a few more questions to help find the right service for you.)

You have indicated that you have symptoms which could be due to a sexually transmitted infection. Please see section on STI symptoms which includes information on where you could be seen and tested for STIs.

There may be other services that can help - we recommend that you continue to answer a few more questions to help find the right service for you.
Females may be at risk of pregnancy - please see section on pregnancy risk assessment after you have finished reading about STIs

Hetrosexual Male

Homosexual Male


Hetrosexual Female

Homosexual Female

Have you had unprotected sex?

Such as sex without a condom or other barrier method which includes if a condom broke or slipped off.

When used properly and consistently condoms are very effective at preventing STI and HIV transmission. For further information on STIs and HIV please see our relevant pages, STIs and Testing information, HIV information

Have you had unprotected sex in the last 72 hours?

PEPSE need to be started within 72 hours (3 days) or a risk happening. You may have been exposed to HIV, in some cases a months’ worth of treatment can be used to prevent you becoming HIV Positive from this episode. Please see here for information on what you need to do “what is PEPSE”. Females should consider risk of pregnancy and contraception.

Is the person you had sex with HIV positive?

You have indicated that you may have been exposed to HIV, in some cases a months’ worth of treatment can be used to prevent you becoming HIV Positive from this episode. Please see here for information on what you need to do “what is PEPSE

You may have been exposed to HIV, in some cases a months’ worth of treatment can be used to prevent you becoming HIV Positive from this episode. Please see here for information on what you need to do “what is PEPSE”. Females should consider risk of pregnancy and contraception.

HIV risk assessment

Some people may be more at risk of HIV than others. Do any of the following apply to you? (please click on any that apply for further information about that risk)

Please see the following pages on how you can keep informed and stay safe

Please see the following pages on how you can keep informed and stay safe

Please see the following pages on how you can keep informed and stay safe

Please see the following pages on how you can keep informed and stay safe

Please see the following pages on how you can keep informed and stay safe

Please see the following pages on how you can keep informed and stay safe

Please see the following pages on how you can keep informed and stay safe

Please see the following pages on how you can keep informed and stay safe

Please see the following pages on how you can keep informed and stay safe

As you have indicated that none of the above apply to you then you are likely to be at lower risk of HIV. We offer a HIV tests to everyone as part of a routine STI screen – you can request a postal kit here if you are a contact of a STI please complete the STI risk assessment

Contact of STI

Have you had sex with someone that has informed you that they have any of the following sexually transmitted infections?

There is further information here on what you need to consider.

If this assessment has not identified a need for PEPSE and you do not have any symptoms then you can request a postal kit here and will not need to attend a service in person.
You may also want to think about risk of pregnancy or need for contraception. For further advice click here
If you are concerned about symptoms or risk of STIs then you can see your GP for testing or click here to find your nearest Unity Sexual Health Service

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